级别: 硕士生
UID: 41568
精华: 6
发帖: 556
威望: 13 点
愚愚币: -869 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 494(小时)
注册时间: 2008-05-07
最后登录: 2009-05-24
楼主  发表于: 2009-05-08 16:04

 Molecular Dynamics Simulations【wiley上的一篇用Gromacs模拟的文章】

管理提醒: 本帖被 firewolf 执行加亮操作(2009-05-08)
Molecular simulation is a very powerful toolbox in modern molecular modeling, and enables us to follow and understand structure and dynamics with extreme detail—literally on scales where motion of individual atoms can be tracked. This chapter focuses on the two most commonly used methods, namely, energy minimization and molecular dynamics, that, respectively, optimize structure and simulate the natural motion of biological macromolecules. The common theoretical framework based on statistical mechanics is covered briefly as well as limitations of the computational approach, for instance, the lack of quantum effects and limited timescales accessible. As a practical example, a full simulation of the protein lysozyme in water is described step by step, including examples of necessary hardware and software, how to obtain suitable starting molecular structures, immersing it in a solvent, choosing good simulation parameters, and energy minimization. The chapter also describes how to yze the simulation in terms of potential energies, structural fluctuations, coordinate stability, geometrical features, and, finally, how to create beautiful ray-traced movies that can be used in presentations.

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